The Flint Police Department is following the lead of several other local police departments and offering the use of our lobby for transactions arranged through online websites such as Craigslist. Our goal is to provide a safe environment for these transactions and to reduce the possibility of fraud, robbery and assaults from occurring.
Please keep in mind that our personnel cannot witness or sign legal documents, mediate, or give legal advice. Our Officers may provide information to anyone concerned about a fraudulent transaction and assure the safety of all parties involved. As a buyer or seller in these transactions, you should be wary of anyone that is not willing to meet you at the police department for the transaction.
When using our facilities please take a moment, prior to the transaction, to advise our staff of the meeting. Our lobby is open Monday - Friday 8am - 6pm and is monitored by video recording equipment. We are located at 210 E. Fifth St, Flint, 48502.